
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weekend #3

This weekend I got to spend with part of my family. I say part because my dad is holding down the fort in Montana and was really missed this weekend. I would have preferred not to have had my incision reopened heading into the weekend, but thats how it goes I guess. Here is my weekend, mostly in pictures.

Burk had a climbing competition at Oregon State University so most of our day was spent watching him climb and hanging out with James, Lydia and my mom. It was really cool to watch my brother climb and he did fairly well in the competition. We all took naps at some point in the afternoon and had a chill evening, mostly being entertained by my nephew.

Went to church with Lydia and Burk and then headed back to Portland. It was so good to spend time with family and just have a relaxing weekend. I am taking a class at church for the next 9 weeks called God & Women: Theology of women and the church. I am really excited because it is taught by a woman I really respect and who is a phenomenal leader in our church. After the class my mom and I headed out to deal with my hair situation. More on that later.

Tomorrow starts the second cycle of chemo. I am not looking forward to it to say the least. Tomorrow my oncologist will check out the progress of chemo vs cancer by measuring a tumor marker in my blood. He will also look at my incision and hopefully (fingers crossed) will stitch it back up. And there will be no infection (double fingers crossed). And lastly, I get to start round number two of chemo. Lucky me!

Overall, this past week went well. I feel like I was able to gain some strength and started to eat normally again. I am praying we have the nausea figured out with the new drug. Also praying I will be able to eat all week and avoid dropping any more pounds.

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