
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dr. Visit

I have officially completed 1 cycle of chemo. Three weeks down, at least 6 to go. I had an appointment with my oncologist yesterday for a check-in to see how things were going. Overall, the past two weeks have been ok. I have maintained my weight, which was a big goal. I was able to be more active and for the most part, was feeling normal again. Until my incision started hurting more than usual and started getting red and tender.

My oncologist (who is also my surgeon) took one look at my incision and decided it needed to be opened for fear of infection. Due to starting a full 6 days of chemo on Monday and my immune system already being compromised, he didn't want to just put me on antibiotics. So he made a small opening next to my incision and drained fluid. The good news was it was not infected, but an accumulation of fluid. So for the next few days I have to pack it with gauze until the fluid is gone. Ugh!

After the appointment we drove down to Lebanon to my brother and sister-in-law's house for the weekend. Burk has a climbing competition today which will be really fun to watch! We got some good family time in yesterday and I am looking forward to today!

James climbing
Thank you for your prayers. I am frustrated about the healing of my surgical site, but realize it's just one more thing and I just have to get through it. Not looking forward to starting a full cycle of chemo again next week, that's for sure.

Making cookies with mom

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