
Monday, February 17, 2014

Round 2

Today was day 1 of round 2. It went well for the most part. They have really dialed in on the nausea medication so I am feeling a world of a difference from my first week of chemo. I also (knock on wood) don't have the mealtic taste in my mouth like I really struggled with last treatment. The other good news is I was able to continue eating well today. I left chemo today quite tired and took a 2.5 hour nap.

I had some lovely friends from work come and hang out with me today.  We played Sorry at one point,which was awesome. We laughed so hard I am sure the other patients were annoyed. Oh well.

I will try to update every day this week. I have a few other posts scheduled, so you might actually get two posts in one day :) so keep checking back

1 comment:

  1. lifting you in prayer! :) i remember the treatment rooms were always so somber and still. I think they could all use a few more "Sorry" games going on!
