
Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Before posting another one for the series I am working on, I thought I would provide a quick update on how I am doing and how things are going.

My oncologist said my blood work continues to look good, so I will be followed monthly for blood work and then follow up with him in August. It's a really good feeling to not have to get blood draws multiple times per week. 

My hair is growing back slowly, but surely! This week was the first time I noticed a difference from week to week. It's coming in about the same color as before, but only time will tell on the texture :). I am sleeping a smidge better, but still very depended on sleep aids to get quality sleep. I have some intermittent neuropathy in my feet, which is mostly annoying, but has thrown off my balance a little bit.

I started back to full time last week and realized about mid-week that it was too much. I was mentally and physically done each day with nothing left in my tank. Last week I went to bed nearly every night by 830/9pm. Aside from the exhaustion, I really loved being back at work. Loved treating patients again. Just need to find the balance where I am not completely exhausted from a few days of work. This week I cut my hours back; really hoping it makes a difference. 

Other than that, things are going well. Had a restful weekend and was able to hang my hammock yesterday. I am very much looking forward to spending time in it this summer reading and taking naps. 

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