
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Part I: Pull Over

I have been asked a lot lately, "what perspective did you gain from going through all of this?" and though it is an appropriate question for inquiring minds, it is not a 5 minute or even 20 minute answer. For those of you who have been following me throughout the journey, you've heard me talk about some of the many facets to this question. Likely in bits and pieces at coffee shops, my living room couch or over a meal. My goal in the next couple of weeks is to write out what I have been learning about humanity. Spell out some of what God is doing in my life. To identify, in a coherent manner, what aspects of going through the circus to beat this terrible disease can be seen as good; the ultimate sanctifying good. When a person goes through a life/death situation, there is a inevitable pull to be introspective at times. Which is good. At least it can be good. And in this case I truly believe it was good.

What do bad things happen to good people? Age old question I assume. Ironically it wasnt really a question I asked through this whole process. And I think that has everything to do with my world view.

I have been likening my experience to an analogy of driving down a road. The road, in this case, is life. The car would be the space in which I exist on the road (life). If we are going to be honest, the last twenty eight years of my life have been fairly blessed. By situations, circumstances, people (friends, family, the like), career and anything else you want to throw in there. Every curveball or challenge that has been thrown my way, I have sought to be a better person, a more empathetic adult and hopefully contribute to society in a more productive manner. Each situation seemingly preparing me for the next. The road has been relatively uncomplicated; with anticipated mountains and valleys, bends and curves.

There I was, driving my car down the road of life when a warning sign came on in my car causing me to pull over. There I sat, waiting for the next move. Get back on the road continuing as things were? But my car was at a dead stop. And that's when I felt an encouraging voice say "Dont be afraid. We are going to hang out here for a while, you and me. It's been a while since I have had your full attention. Dont worry, this is not a forever thing- soon enough you will be back on that road again". The tone of voice was gentle.  As if saying, "we have some catching up to do".

My immediate thoughts were, "I dont have time for this. I am really busy. It is Christmas and my family is here. I have to work several times between now and the new year. People are counting on me... Did I mention, I really dont have time for this"

And thats where the story begins. Me and my God sitting in the front seat of my car, watching other cars pass by as if nothing was out of the ordinary. It soon became apparent there had been many attempts to get my attention. And though this was drastic, it soon become obvious it was both temporary and necessary.

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