
Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend #2 recap

This past weekend was quite a bit better than the weekend before. Its amazing how much better you feel when you have less toxins being pumped into your body :) Thursday Portland got slammed with snow and it basically shut down. So this weekend was full of creative adventures that could happen within the four walls of my house or in the near streets of the city. Here is a look at the adventures that were had!

Snow really came down on Friday and most of the city was closed. My friend Jenn and I went on an adventure to find frozen yogurt in a city that was shut down. We hit the jack-pot! After our adventures in the snow, we came back and played several games of Ticket to Ride! When we needed just one adventure more, we walked to New Seasons grocery store and walked down every aisle of the store and made several videos. Why? Well, I cant say I have ever walked down every aisle of a grocery store... and now I can :) Plus we were slightly bored.

Enjoyed a slow morning. I spent the morning playing with some of the makeup I bought after our make-over and got somewhat close to recreating "the look". Jenn, my mom and I went to lunch at a Mexican place I used to frequent in college. It was so windy and so cold! The picture of us below is testament; I could not even keep my eyes open! We then went to the Book Thief at Kennedy School; an old school house turned into restaurant, spa, hotel and movie theatre. The movie was phenomenal!!! I added the book to my reading list. We fought the wintery conditions home and hung out until my friend Josh Lider joined us for the evening. We all hunkered down and watched the Olympics and hung out until it was time for bed. For the first night since starting chemo, I slept through the night!!!!! Ah it is so amazing to feel rested when I wake up.

Snow Storm 2014
Freezing rain Saturday night completely changed the game of navigating the roads. Until then, all it took was a little skill to get place to place. After the rain and ice, it was nearly impossible to go anywhere. Portland actually issued an alert to not travel unless completely necessary. Tony and I walked to New Seasons to pick up supplies to make a crock-pot dish for dinner and then walked to Tasty & Sons for brunch. Food continues to go well at these stages, which is a complete blessing because I need to build back up before next week. I walked over to Jenn's house to hang out and watch a movie for the afternoon. It was nice to get out of the house a little, even if steps had to be 6inches in length to avoid falling on ones butt! Evening included more Olympics :)

1 comment:

  1. This post made me smile!!! :) So happy that you had a better weekend and you slept! Yay for sleeping! Thank you for your thank you card!
    love you much! Can't wait for our shopping day!
