
Friday, February 7, 2014


First of all, thank you all for your encouragement. I am truly humbled by all of your comments, thoughts, quotes and beyond. Thank you!

This week is my "off" week. As far the chemo schedule goes anyways. I had treatment on Tuesday where I just received one drug, Bleomycin. My mom and I walked to the place where I get my infusions (its about 0.8 miles from my home) and the infusion was only about 1.5 hours. It was a brisk walk because as some of you know temperatures have been dropping in Portland. 

This week I have noticed quite a few more side-effects than last week. A short list include: bloody nose, bowl irregularity, numbness in my fingers, a nagging cough that wont go away, bone pain, port pain, loss of appetite, exhaustion/sleep depravation, GERD, mouth sores/sensitivity and weight loss. All side-effects are consistent with my drugs, so its just how it goes.

Yesterday it snowed it Portland! I know people from Montana have been experiencing lows in the teens and below zero and snow is not a big deal, but for Portland, the city literally shuts down. One of my best friends took the day off yesterday to spend with me and we were joking at brunch about the "stormageddon 2014" as light flurries were settling in. By lunch there was a solid 2 inches on the ground and by 4pm, maybe 5inches. We got make-overs at a place down down and by 2pm it was very clear the city was shutting down and everyone was on their way home. It was hilarious! I wish I would have taken more pictures :)

This much time off of work has been interesting. I miss work. I miss my patients and of course I miss my coworkers. I am very lucky to have a great group of people to work with. I have also really enjoyed spending time with my friends. Like I mentioned my friend Jenn took yesterday off and we had brunch, time to just hang out, got make-overs and had a girls night in. Our friend Erin joined us for lunch and it was lovely to see her. On Wednesday I was able to hang out with my college buddy Anna and her little boys. It has been really good for my soul to have this time with friends during a time of such needed rest and healing. I am so grateful for those close who have reached out. As always, each day brings its own challenges. Some days I am feeling up to anything and others, up for nothing. Its a new thing for me...

Make-overs! We are so pretty :)

Started my morning with this little man- facetime is the best!


  1. Hi Jyndia! You two ladies are beautiful even before your makeovers. I love your posts and pictures. I have never been to Portland and now, thanks to you, I've seen it in winter. Your positive attitude is an inspiration to me. Take care of yourself and your mom. I am so glad she is there with and for you.

    Kitty S.

  2. Keep up the positive attitude--that counts for lots! I know you have "down" days, but reach high when you have those good ones! (take time out when they are low!) You are lucky to have the company of good friends; you must be a very special young lady. You will always be in my prayers... Gloria
