
Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 5 of chemo

A little fun today
Woohoo! Made it through the first week without any horrible adverse effects. I will have to say my nursing staff and doctor were all over getting me the correct medications to work with the copious amounts of chemo that have been infusing all week. I am overwhelmed how faithful they have been to getting nausea under control.

Today I was fortunate to have two coworker join me for the chemo session. Shayne and Sarah were awesome and really helped me to feel back in the loop. It really makes the sessions more entertaining AND helps me keep on track of emptying my bladder. Side note, because the cisplatin is so harsh on my kidneys, they infuse several liters of a saline mix of eletrolights. AND it is important to get those fluids out. Praise God my blood came back today, noting my kidney function was good and I was okay to receive my dose of cisplatin. :)

After chemo I was pretty tired so took a little 3 hour nap :) I have been walking after chemo sessions all week, so that was unusual that I was so tired. But I am on this new thing where I actually listen to my body. So, cheers to new habits.

My friend Kristen drove down from Seattle and was here by the time I awoke from my nap. We met up with some girls playing cards at a coffee shop near by, which was a perfect night-cap; out of my house and a chance to "feel normal".

Again, I was so blessed by the giving nature of people when I arrived home. My mom's friend Marie made me some chemo hats and of course my favorite, a Seahawks bracelet. Thank you for you generosity in the little things. Not one thing goes unnoticed. I am severely behind in my thank you notes, but know I will get caught up this weekend (after my Hawks win the Super Bowl).

Thank you all for your love and support and prayers this week. I truly believe this week was tolerable because of the thousands of prayers that were lifted this week. I am humbled by your willingness to participate in the journey with me.

The girls 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 3 and 4

Forgive me for not writing yesterday, I slept through most of my treatment and then was pretty groggy last night. I have been battling the nausea a little less, which has been such a blessing. I walked another 30 minutes after my session yesterday and today we have more activities planed for after chemo. I was lucky enough to have Jordon come by yesterday and plays a few games of Uno before I passed out for 4 hours straight. Must have needed the rest. :)

Yesterday I was again inundated with nice words and pictures from friends and family near and far. I have been so humbled by people's willingness to be generous in moments like these when I need them the most. I am so thankful for a God who is faithful and never far from me. I truly believe the thousands of requests that have gone up for me to be able to sleep and not be nauseous has changed the game this week. Praise God!

The chemo suite is becoming a bit of a second home. On Monday, I was very aware of the sterile walls all around me. The patients all staring at the "new kid" wondering what I have got. The nurses here have been very intentional to create a comforting environment, and for that I am grateful. The suite allows very little privacy, but soon you realize there is no way anyone can do this alone. Each patient seems to pull strength from the other patients.

Today Jenn brought in a magazine that was full of inspirational stories of athletes who were denied time and time again, but finally made their goals of going to The Olympics. One quote in particular resonated with me, "When the unexpected rips through your life- cancer, divorce, natural disaster- it can change everything. How well you bounce back can come down to whether you view obstacles as healthy challenges or paralyzingly threats"

Each day I have a choice. I can give in and let this cancer win, or I can fight like hell. Today I am making the decision to fight like hell!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 2... nausea

Today was okay. I had a rough night last night. The steroid injection I got yesterday has a side effect of of wakefulness at night. So I was awake from 2am to 7am. And when I woke up, I was accompanied by a little known friend, nausea. I tried taking a sip of water, which only made it worse.  I have had a horrible taste in my mouth that is very metallic, which makes eating or really drinking anything rather difficult. The nurse mentioned being very proficient with oral care; so I got a tung scraper today and toothpaste and mouth wash that are higher in something.... Anyways, seemed to help a little.

Today I was so sleep deprived from the antics of the night before, I slept through most of my treatment. I was able to eat some soup at lunch time, so praying that continues to be something I can get down. My friend Shayne had gotten these fried plantains for me from TJ's and I ate them like candy on Monday and today the smell of them made me want to vomit. So, I guess thats how this is going to go.

So far, I have been passing my time reading the book of Acts. A book in the Bible I have never read (or at least not in its entirety). Its been really cool to read about how the church went from just a mere 12 people to thousands and thousands. I have been seeing small miracles happening all around me since this all began. Trying to keep strong in my faith and prayer for peace and understanding. And sleep :)

I thought since today was kinda low, I would make a list of those miracles I have seen so far:

  • That my cancer is curable
  • That my cancer was found quickly before it had a chance to ravish my body
  • That they did not have to take my ovaries during the tumor resection
  • That I easily have the most amazing friends and family keeping tabs on me
  • My mom for being here during this week
  • My coworkers who have stepped up with meals and fun goodies to brighten my spirits
  • That I have an environment at home that promotes a healing environment
  • That so far, chemo is not as horrible as I built it up to be
  • That I have a lovely caring nurse that seeks every opportunity to answer questions and keep my body at ease during this transition
Those are just a few that I have been privy to whiteness since this all began. Here is a picture from today. Tomorrow is going to be Seahawks gear including this really awesome amazing blanket I received from Camille's moma Maria.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 1

The day we have all been waiting for... at least for the past week. I arrived at the chemo suite at 930am. My mom flew in from Montana on an early flight to be here with me through this journey. We started with a blood draw and put a needle in my port. The portacath is healing nicely, but it is a little weird having a needle in your chest during the infusions. Got my vitals checked and onto the chemo suite.

The suite is nice. About 30-40 chairs for patients and family members. Today my nurse was Bev. She is very sweet and really helped with the transition and did a great job of explaining everything as it was happening. I started with an injection of a anti-nausea drug and then she hung another anti-nausea drug. Following that, I got a steroid that infused over 20 minutes or so. Then the chemo drugs were infused. Today I got Etoposide and Cisplatin and a whole bunch of fluids. The cispatin is pretty harsh on the kidneys, so they make sure to flush you right out.

     I was there in all 6 hours today. Most days wont be that long. I kept busy by reading a little, watching some videos and taking a substantial nap. There were a few ladies sitting on either side of me, but I did not talk to them. I got overwhelmed one time reading the kind words of a friend. Its truly humbling how much people love me and are truly cheering me on.  I know its okay to cry and be emotional. I am getting to the point where its okay; i am just not a pretty cryer :)

We came home and went on a walk with my mom. We walked about 2 miles to the post office (i had a lot of thank you notes to mail). The walk was very slow most of the time. It really felt good to get my heart pumping and lungs expanding. When I got home I just relaxed and worked on eating some food. The worst side-effects for me right now are a terrible metallic taste in my mouth and a pretty substantial headache. I feel really lucky to not be feeling nauseous right now (knock on wood).

Tomorrow my appointment is a 930am and the infusion should last 4-5 hours. Continuing to just take 1 day at a time. Thank you all so much for the support. Its truly the little things that are getting me through this journey.


Friday, January 24, 2014

The best week of the near future

This is going to be a week to remember because it might be the best I feel in a while. On Wednesday I attended a group class to prepare patients for chemo. We learned more about the individual drugs we would be taking and how to combat some of the horrible side effects. For me, my drugs are Bleomycin, Etoposide and Cisplatin (BEP). The number 1 side effect of these drugs is hair loss :(  Other side effects: nausea, mouth and throat irritation, metallic taste in mouth, kidney toxicity, hearing loss, decreased fertility, lung fibrosis (rare).

Then yesterday I had my portacath placed. It sits underneath my skin on the right side just below my clavicle. This will be where the chemo is delivered. Its sore today and a little bit swollen, but overall was a pretty effortless procedure.

At this time, I am anxiously awaiting next week. It has been harder to sleep at night because every time I take a deep breath, my diaphragm contacts the tumors on the liver and referral pain to my shoulder is induced. Makes taking short breaths the only option. Also, lying down flat increases the referral pain. My doctor told me once I start chemo, this should subside. I will be looking forward to that most!

This weekend is designed to have a little bit of fun, but also some good relax time. I am looking forward to getting the chemo started because I need this cancer out of me ASAP. I was lucky enough to talk to three of my best friends today which always puts you in good spirits. I also walked 3 miles! Longest walk to date!! 

I know the journey is going to be long, but I am prepared to fight and fight I will do.