
Friday, January 24, 2014

The best week of the near future

This is going to be a week to remember because it might be the best I feel in a while. On Wednesday I attended a group class to prepare patients for chemo. We learned more about the individual drugs we would be taking and how to combat some of the horrible side effects. For me, my drugs are Bleomycin, Etoposide and Cisplatin (BEP). The number 1 side effect of these drugs is hair loss :(  Other side effects: nausea, mouth and throat irritation, metallic taste in mouth, kidney toxicity, hearing loss, decreased fertility, lung fibrosis (rare).

Then yesterday I had my portacath placed. It sits underneath my skin on the right side just below my clavicle. This will be where the chemo is delivered. Its sore today and a little bit swollen, but overall was a pretty effortless procedure.

At this time, I am anxiously awaiting next week. It has been harder to sleep at night because every time I take a deep breath, my diaphragm contacts the tumors on the liver and referral pain to my shoulder is induced. Makes taking short breaths the only option. Also, lying down flat increases the referral pain. My doctor told me once I start chemo, this should subside. I will be looking forward to that most!

This weekend is designed to have a little bit of fun, but also some good relax time. I am looking forward to getting the chemo started because I need this cancer out of me ASAP. I was lucky enough to talk to three of my best friends today which always puts you in good spirits. I also walked 3 miles! Longest walk to date!! 

I know the journey is going to be long, but I am prepared to fight and fight I will do. 


  1. While I truly wish this wasn't a journey we'll be taking together, I hope you know I am here for you every step of the way, rain or shine. Call, text, email, Facebook, use floo powder or whatever you feel like to let me know and I'll be there ASAP. I love you girl.

  2. Jyndia, I will be reading your blog every day to watch your progress in beating this thing. One thing I know about you girl, is that your a fighter and with your positive attitude you will be able overcome a ton. You'll have a good support system with your loving family and the many friends you have... and you have many! Just know I'm thinking of you and will be writing you soon.
    Your o'l coach, Dennis Latimer

  3. Jyndia keep fighting the fight! You are an inspiration for all the courage you have shown throughout your life. Your Mom and I have taken multiple hikes and she always speaks of you with adoration and love. My prayers and the spirit of fight are with you and your wonderful family.
    Go Seahawks, Diana
