
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 3 and 4

Forgive me for not writing yesterday, I slept through most of my treatment and then was pretty groggy last night. I have been battling the nausea a little less, which has been such a blessing. I walked another 30 minutes after my session yesterday and today we have more activities planed for after chemo. I was lucky enough to have Jordon come by yesterday and plays a few games of Uno before I passed out for 4 hours straight. Must have needed the rest. :)

Yesterday I was again inundated with nice words and pictures from friends and family near and far. I have been so humbled by people's willingness to be generous in moments like these when I need them the most. I am so thankful for a God who is faithful and never far from me. I truly believe the thousands of requests that have gone up for me to be able to sleep and not be nauseous has changed the game this week. Praise God!

The chemo suite is becoming a bit of a second home. On Monday, I was very aware of the sterile walls all around me. The patients all staring at the "new kid" wondering what I have got. The nurses here have been very intentional to create a comforting environment, and for that I am grateful. The suite allows very little privacy, but soon you realize there is no way anyone can do this alone. Each patient seems to pull strength from the other patients.

Today Jenn brought in a magazine that was full of inspirational stories of athletes who were denied time and time again, but finally made their goals of going to The Olympics. One quote in particular resonated with me, "When the unexpected rips through your life- cancer, divorce, natural disaster- it can change everything. How well you bounce back can come down to whether you view obstacles as healthy challenges or paralyzingly threats"

Each day I have a choice. I can give in and let this cancer win, or I can fight like hell. Today I am making the decision to fight like hell!


  1. You look awesome in these photos! :)
    You got this girl!

  2. FIGHT LIKE HELL!!! That is what I love to hear. Thank you for sharing the quote from the magazine, I'm going to put it up in my office because it is so true. Love you Ms. Jyndia!

  3. Yeah!!! My comment finally published, I have been posting every night from my phone and it is going to the super secret spot no one can see, the computer worked. Thank you for sharing your journey and allowing those of us from a far to be part of your team.

  4. Jyndia I have been watching your blogspot everyday for an update on your journey & just found this new blog. I assumed you just weren't ready to share. So glad to see you in these photos standing tall and brave! Joey and I have been praying for you everyday since dec 26th and we will continue to pray until you are cancer free and then some! You are a child of God who has great plans for you just as he says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" love peace and prayers Jyndia

  5. Jyndia, Those Seahawks kicked some major Bronco BUTT! Great for them, winning it for the first time ever. I wonder if a 2nd year quarterback has ever one the big one so quick! I miss you and that smiley face. I love all the pictures with your friends. It makes me feel good that you have such great people around you because you are also a GREAT person.
    Love ya and always thinking of ya,
    Coach L.
