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Thank you for all your words of wisdom, gracious comments and faithful prayers


  1. I was awesome to facetime tonight. You are looking great. Keep the spirits up. I love you. Dad

  2. My bad typing previous message. IT was awesome to facetime.

  3. Your very courageous and brave. Maybe the fact you were a Bravette at one time had a small influence on your outlook with life. LOL
    Love you Jyndia and thinking of you, Coach L

  4. Thinking wonderful thoughts and sending prayers your way.
    Love, Diana and Myndi

  5. Hi Sweetie im a friend of your mothers and love reading your posts everyday! You are a great inspiration to me Hang in there
    Much love and prayers
    Sonja and Ray Merrill


  6. Our family thinks about you every day and prays for you. Can't wait to get you back to the Flathead so we can do some wake boarding and tubing together.
    Hang in there girl!
    The Latimer's

  7. From the first day I met you Jyndia (that was years ago :) , I knew you were special! Your strength through your faith, family and friends will shine during this time! Our families thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

    Lori, Jim. Shay and Grier Smithwick-Hann

  8. Hi Jyndia,

    I am a friend and former co-worker of your mom's. You probably know my sons, Justin and Colter, better than me, but I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have read often how people (ironically) have said that a cancer diagnosis was the best thing that ever happened to them. As you mentioned, it opens your eyes up to life in a different way. You see people and are more compassionate about the struggles they are going through. You appreciate every moment that you are given and begin to understand the gift that life is for all of us. You touch many people and I know you face this struggle with courage and optimism. There is always help from Spirit if you just ask. There is a reason for everything. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Carol Ohman

  9. You are an amzing woman, not unlike your mother. If there is one thing I have learned about the Schaible family, is you are tough. You are tough enough to beat this. The patron saint of cancer patients, St. Peregrine, is watching over you. He will guide you through the difficult challenges of your treatment. My family is so fortunate to have such good friends as yours. I think the world of your father, he is such a positive force in my life and my children's life. Jyndia, you have always had an adventorous spirit and passion for life. In the time I have known you, you have accomplished soo much and experienced soo much. I know with your strength, supportive family, great medical care, this cancer has no chance. You will overcome it.

    The Avery's

  10. I am not surprised that you are doing well! May you continue the good fight. Glad to know that your care is in good hands. May God by His Grace through Jesus His Son bless you. Blown away by how good you are doing... Love on Valentine"s day from your cousin Turner

  11. Hi Hon, You are on the thoughts of many and in our prayers! Love and prayers for your family as well!
    Love Hope

  12. Hi, You have had so many moments in your life to show just how strong a person you can be. From how you played sports to going through PT school while struggling with serious knee surgery. This new challenge is something that is exhibiting the same attributes. The emotional and physical difficulties that have been thrown at you with this cancel will be the biggest challenge of all. By digging deep into your faith in God, and relying on the loving support of your friends and family, we all know this will be yet another road block in life that you kick out of the way and move on. God Bless, Dad
    PS: Who ever said bald is beautiful probably didn't have cancer. Be honest it sucks!

  13. Hi Jyndia, Just saw your folks at a basketball game, and they told us what is happening with you. Know that we are praying for you. It's great to see all the support that you have.
    All our love, Craig and Kristi Maltby

  14. Hi Jyndia,
    Its been quite awhile since we last saw each other. But my dad (Uncle Willy) just told me he talked to your mom the other day and let him know what has been happening. I'm so sorry. Good thing we are a family of fighters. I truly hope the best for you and sending my love to you. Keep smiling, it's beautiful.

  15. Jyndia,
    I talked to your mom last week and she told me about your cancer. Man, I hate that word! I remember you well, Jyndia, and the girl I knew will beat this. No question about it.
    The Creston 5/6 class has talked about your fight and would like to do what they can for you. You may get a care package. Not surprisingly, Creston kids are still Creston kids. They are still responsible, respectful, and kind. I've been incredibly lucky to spend 25 years with them!
    Thinking of you, Judi Hewitt

  16. Jyndia, am fortunate to have and hold a pillow I believe your mom made for Rose Quarter Compass Oncology
