
Thursday, July 24, 2014


This afternoon I was walking through Barns & Noble to waste some time before meeting for dinner when someone touched my arm. I turned to look at who was on the other end of the semi-affectionate grasp and to my surprise I did not know the women. She said, "sorry to bother you, but I watched you walk in and I just have to tell you that you are beautiful and this look really works for you". I must have had the most dumbfounded look on my face because she quickly followed up with, "I am doing my best to acknowledge beauty when I see it. In a world where it is so difficult to be a woman, I think we need small reminders". She went on to tell me three years ago she went through chemotherapy for a rare blood cancer. She opened up to me in a way that was profound, intimate and altogether authentically raw. In the span of ten minutes I was moved to tears and touched so deeply by a complete stranger. 

It was a perfect reminder of how quick we are to be harsh on our outward appearance. We judge to quickly. It is impossible to know the battle a stranger is fighting and sometimes it only takes a smile to reassure someone from across the room. 

I am also reminded of how sweet honesty is. This woman was wise beyond her years and she will change lives if she continues to tell her story. It is my hope that I can be that to someone when they need it most. All it took was some courage to approach a stranger and speak honest truth. 

Did I mention she was 19 years old? 

What's your perspective on beauty and how will her story change your outward expression of it?


  1. That is why beauty in in the beholder and we should all do this from time to time. You are beautiful and you need to always remember that no matter how you feel. Lots of love Mom

  2. Wow! What a wonderful soul and you have been and will continue to be that person!
