
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Value of Rest

Leaving Montana is always so hard. Especially after such a relaxing visit. For the first time the whole trip was unplanned and open to suggestion or the whim of the moment. I really can't remember a time when I was so at peace with just being home. I don't know if I have transitioned my focus to be more family centered or if I am coming to a place where I really value rest. Maybe a blend of the two :)

Rest has always been hard for me. I am usually running around at 100 mph. I like to be productive and know full-well I get external validation from the things I can achieve. I used to see taking a nap as a loss of productive time. I used to pack my days so full
(often planning down to the hour) that there was no such thing as "taking time for myself". Having cancer has really changed all that. 

This morning I am back in Portland and find myself along the river with mostly cloudy skies, but temperatures in the 60s and climbing. This is a perfect Portland day. The south waterfront is quiet; absent of any traffic buzz, only various birds chirping. The water of the giant river flows on by, welcoming summer to it's shores. I love this city and looking forward to spending the summer here. I hope to continue to adapt the pace of life of these past few months to the months going forward. Carving out more time for relaxation and less time for forced productivity. 

cafe in portland

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