
Monday, April 21, 2014

My first chemo free week

Today is my first Monday in 12 weeks where I do not have to start chemo. I am so thankful that Round 5 was not needed for my body is exhausted and needs a break. Most side effects are starting to diminish and I am noticing that each day I feel a little bit stronger.  Side effects that are still lingering include: swelling in my fingers, absent taste buds, low energy, interrupted sleep, decreased appetite and though improved, still a decreased capacity for obtaining intellect.

I have confirmed a return to work date of May 20th. I am going to go back at 20 hour weeks for at least the first 2 weeks and then decide if I can resume my full schedule or need more time to integrate. I am excited to return to work because it will offer some structure and purpose to my day, but I am also nervous. I have lost quite a bit of muscle mass and of course need to build up my endurance to be on my feet for up to 5 hours in a row. That being said, I am taking each day as it comes and doing everything I can to be ready to return to work in about a month.

Pre-juicing veggies
This past week I was hit by low energy and decreased appetite. I am still not experiencing the feeling of being "hungry" and have to eat meals more according to the clock otherwise my blood sugar tanks and I really feel sick. On top of that, I have been trying to get good calories in my body. I am trying to juice at least 1 time a day, which has already helped to balance out my blood sugar. Jenn got me a book called The Juicing Generation which has been very helpful in tips easing into juicing. I had a hard time drinking some of the heavy leafy greens and the book guides you in what to consume in what order to "trick" your taste buds and build up to the heavier green juices. This has been really helpful for me!

I am going to try and be more present on my blog in the coming weeks. I have struggled with energy and having content to write. But then I remembered why I started this whole thing a few months ago. Not only is it a convenient place for people to receive updates on how I am doing, but it is also my own journey documented so that I can look back and see how far I have come. Though at times I have willed it to be a race, this journey is really a marathon and I am trying my best to be diligent to the process. Thank you for those who have stuck around to encourage me along the way whether in words, gifts or personal time. I am forever grateful!

Got to hang out with James last week! Love this little man

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! what a great way to start the days following the spring celebration of Easter! Juicing? not too sure, but I hear it can be good! (I know it's good for you, but, i think, beer is too!) You continue to stay in my prayers and are included in my mental support--go Jyndia! I can only think of one bit of advice--don't push yourself to do more then what your body tells you you can do--that's only human, but try to not do it! I'm sure going back to work sounds exciting, feared and "what unexpected" to expect! take time there, too! All will come back, but think of what your body has had to endure, then move on!! Keep your faith strong, and, as usual, don't be afraid to ask for help--you have very willing participants there!
