
Monday, March 10, 2014

This is the Final Count Down...

Today is hopefully my last round of chemo. Walking in today was difficult. After a fantastic weekend of almost feeling normal, it is so hard to walk back in knowing I am going to feel worse by the end of the day. But also with the knowledge that it's temporary and I have climbed back out of the trenches twice already. I can do this!

A few more updates:

  • My labs came back and my platelets returned to normal levels. Will proceed with chemo this week
  • The AFP tumor marker was taken today and will take 3-4 days to get results back. This is significant because the results will determine if I need another round of chemo 
  • My incision is healing and the fluid continues to drain. Hoping to be done packing it in the next week or so
  • Sleeping is still one of my biggest hurdles. Still working to find something to help 
  • Big push this week with nutrition. I am slightly anemic so need to keep pushing the leafy greens and protein. I got a juicer last weekend, so this week it will be put to work!

My dad is here with me this week after getting to spend the weekend with my brother, sister-in-law and nephew. I know my moma is missing being here this week. She is missed at the chemo salon for sure! I will update on my weekend adventures soon, so stay tuned!

Super hero week 

1 comment:

  1. You are right my dear daughter. It is difficult being here but knowing your dad is there is helping. I am keeping busier than ever so I don't dwell on it but rather think of all the positive things that I need to and hoping and praying this is your last full weak of treatment. You go girl. Can't wait to see what super hero you will be tomorrow. Lots of rest, plenty of sleep and of course those dark leafy vegetables. I hope that you don't struggle with anemia like I do. It is not good so that juicer should be great. Let me know how it works, may need to invest in one. Love you tons. Mom
