
Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Today was supposed to be a chemo day where I got Bleomycin. But my platelet counts were too low for the treatment. So now we await my doctor's decision of whether he will post-pone my treatments for 1 week and resume next week or if he will just skip this treatment all together and start next week as planned. Either way, this week was meant to be a rest week and I am okay with that. :)

This weekend was pretty relaxing which was nice. I had several bouts of "not feeling well" which was frustrating. But trying hard to listen to my body more and rest when it is begging me to rest. We caught a Blazers game on Saturday night which was a lot of fun. Sunday was pretty low-key. Ran some errands with Jenn and then went to my church class. Sunday night, some friends joined us for dinner which was really nice.

Tomorrow one of my best friends from home is coming into town for a few days and I am so excited!! Its been forever since we had just-the-two-of-us time, so I am really looking forward to it!

Just wanted to post a quick update on how things are going lately. I have a few more post planned for later this week, so keep checking back. I am truly grateful for all of your support and kind words. Its a battle for sure, but I am trying hard to be on the winning front.


  1. I am glad you are resting and get to see Allison this weekend. Love you lots. Mom

  2. Enjoy your rest week, and listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs--and rest is the best thing you can do for yourself now. Hang in there!

    1. Thank you! Thank you for your encouragement!
