
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Opportunity to give

Several people have expressed interest in helping me financially through this journey. I have given it a lot of thought and decided the best way to do this would be to create a webpage based opportunity for those who would like to give. The link to the page is:

The reason I had to give this a lot of thought is because I have mixed emotions about accepting help. First and foremost as someone employed in healthcare, I believe it each individual's responsibility to have insurance and have some sort of an emergency fund set up for situations like this. I am blessed to have insurance and I was in the process of building up an emergency fund when this all happened. Medical bills are scary. They pile up before you can blink.

That all being said, I also know some people really feel called to give in a monitory way. Of which is more than I could ever ask. This site was not created to guilt people into giving. That is the last thing I would ever want. I am so thankful for those who have given through time spent with me, words of encouragement through email, text, snail mail. People who have flown out to see me and spend time with me has lifted my spirit in ways I did not know possible. I am thankful for all of those things.

As a chemo/doctor update. I saw my doctor on Friday and it was confirmed, round 4 here we go! He will draw my blood on Monday March 31st (Day 1 of round 4) and assess remaining cancer in my body. If the number is 0, this will be my last round. If it is not, well, I am actually not allowing my mind to go there. My last count was at 127 (down from 68,000). It has to be 0, right?

An update on my lack of sleep. My doctor thinks my body is not able to regulate its temperature and the reason I am waking up is because I am overheating or chilled to the bone. He called it "acute ovarian failure" and quickly stated it was a good thing for this stage of treatment. He has prescribed a low dose of estrogen to combat this issue. Here is to hoping!!!

This is the last full week of "rest" before round 4. I am taking each day as it comes, but this week is significantly better than last week. Again, thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and well wishes. I could never have imagined the support I have received. Thank you all!!

Just for fun, my favorite two pictures of me and my nephew just because he is cute and who does like to see an adorable baby!
Summer 2012
This past fall- September 2013


  1. Greetings from ATL. I am a PT and came across your blog from a fellow PT posting on FB. Sending prayers of encouragement for your spirit and prayers of wellness for your body!

  2. Hey Jyndia! I am happy to support you. Please let me know if there are more ways you could use support. Really, for real, seriously...I'm not kidding. Robin Hood had Little John. Batman had Robin. Mike Tyson had part of that other guy's ear...ok, so that one wasn't voluntary support, more like a mild case of cannibalism. There's no I in cancer. You get the drift. In short, we love you and support you and are happy to do it. Keep up the good fight. Jenny

  3. You are becoming and inspiration Jyn! Love you girl!

  4. Hi Jyndia,
    Really would love to get together and chat. You are in my prayers as you enter round 4. I don't want to bother you if you are too ill for a visitor but if you're open to it, give me a good day/time and where we could meet and I'll try to be there. I'm teaching at U. of P. this term on MWF mornings but the rest of the time I'm pretty wide open.
    Hope you're feeling better soon.
    Chuck Kunert
