
Friday, March 14, 2014

One more round

Just wanted to give a quick update. I mentioned at the beginning of the week they would determine if I would be done after this cycle or need to complete another one. My AFP tumor marker came back substantially reduced, but high enough to call for another cycle. My doctor was very impressed with the drop (from 2300 to 127), but would like the cancer marker to be 0.

I am bummed I have to do another 3 weeks of this, but thankful the chemo is doing it's job. My oncologist has been very positive with my body's response to the chemo and my tolerance to the regiment. Which is positive. 

My dad and sister were able to join me this week for chemo and this weekend some of my college friends are in town to hang out. Very excited to rest with these awesome people. 

Will post more later, just wanted to update everyone that I will be doing 4 cycles instead of 3. 

1 comment:

  1. I am happy the AFP is where it is but like you I am disappointed for you to have another 3weeks added on to your 9 week treatment. I know that is best and you will look back on this and think of how short it was in the scheme of things. We love you lots and know that you can kick cancer. Love you lots and have a great but restful weekend. Love Mom
