
My Support Team

Support from others is the number one thing getting me through this journey. So I thought it would be most appropriate to talk about those closest who are my biggest cheerleaders, biggest supporters and those that make effort after effort to make sure I am recovering as quickly as possible.

My parents: 
For those who do not know, my parents live in Kalispell Montana, my home town. They were in Portland for Christmas when I got sick and were kind enough to stay until a plan was devised. They are about a 10 hour drive or a relatively quick flight as needed. I am so blessed by their unconditional love for me.
My brother and sister-in-law:
They live just a little over an hour from my house in Portland. They are the true extension of God's hands and feet. They have been here throughout the journey and their presence in my life during this time is priceless. I am so thankful for their love.
My nephew:
Oh how much I love this kid! He brings a constant smile to my face and it is amazing how a little human can brighten even the darkest times. I just love this little man!

Friends and supports near and far:
Could not get through this without these fine bunch of folks. I will continue to update this section because the list is LONG and for that I am blessed!

I am blessed!

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