
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Lots of awareness going on around here!

Morrison Bridge lit up in Teal for Ovarian Cancer Awareness

October is officially Breast Cancer Awareness month. This year, I feel like my eyes are a little more open to all the "pink" thats floating around the media. I have always loved that the NFL wears pink throughout the month of October. I also love seeing people display ribbons or bracelets denoting themselves as survivors.

A close friend recently asked me how I am doing with things lately. I told her its been interesting...

To be part of a group of "survivors" is unique. On the one hand, it is incredible to be alive. The women (and men) I have met that belong to this group are amazing. Each story is moving. The depth of soul-searching these people have done along their journey is evident in their persona. I am thankful to know these people and hope to continue to get to know more of them.

On the other hand, its incredibly frustrating to be a part of a group that I did not choose. Most sub-groups of people that one belongs to is because they have chosen to be a part of them... college friends, coworkers, etc. I never intended to have this be a part of my story. But it is and now it is on me to decide what to do with it.

I have been blessed beyond imaginable. I guess that is part of serving a God that longs to bless his people. When I see a women in public who is bold enough to display her beautiful bald head, I find I just want to go over to her and hug her. I want to her to know she is brave. No matter where one is in their cancer journey, it is important to know they are loved and supported.

Here is my hope for these "awareness months".  Not only do I hope money is raised to find a cure for some of these horrible diseases, but also that more and more survivors' stories would be told. If you know someone who has survived cancer, encourage them to tell their story. There is power in knowing the difficulties of one's life.

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Today was the day! The day I took off my wig at work. I have been wanting to do this for a while, but for whatever reason, have had a hard time with it. Maybe it's partly because I am uncomfortable with short hair because it's new and so drastically different. That being said, so was being bald ;) 

The other part of it was knowing I would have to endure "talk" about my hair. Possibly, even answer the question of why I cut my hair. I have never wanted it to be about me at work. Patients need to know their needs are being met and that I am not distracted by other things. 

I am sure there is also a part of me that has to re-work through the question of beauty and perception of beauty. If I have spent my whole life only seeing myself with long hair, then it's fair to say I am looking at an unfamiliar face with familiar features. I felt similarly when I embraced being bald. 

As I was leaving today, I reflected upon the day. Everyone was overly generous in how sweet their comments were. My colleagues were especially thoughtful; mentioning throughout the day how great the style looks and how it brings out the features of my face. A few patients made kind comments, which helped make me begin to feel comfortable in my own skin again. Strange to think this is another thing I have to process through as I continue along the journey.  And so, I leave you with these song lyrics by Avicli

"All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost...
 Life's a game made for everyone and love is the prize!"