
Friday, September 5, 2014

Life currently!

Wine tasting evening with Jenn
Whew! Its September already! I was working on my One A Day journal the other night and I am shocked with how fast the last few weeks have gone. Someone recently told me "when time seems to fly by it means you're truly living your life". I would like to think that is true these days.

Speaking of these days, I thought it was time for an update. I have been doing well overall! I am building up more and more energy reserve and feel like life is getting back to normal. Work is going well. I have a student that is with me fore another 6 weeks (3 weeks down) and we are starting to really get the hang of the dance that exists between clinical instructor and student. Its equal parts exciting and terrifying for me to both relinquish the control of practice and exciting to teach someone so willing to learn. I am learning a lot right along side of her and hope she continues to teach me as much as I am teaching her.

I went to my doctor today and things continue to look good! Blood counts are normal, symptoms continue to dissipate and medications are being discontinued. I will follow-up with him every two months with blood draws and have office visits every four months. He said I could get my port out whenever I would like (YAY!) and most importantly, continue living my life. He is onboard with me seeing a natropathic doctor for my stomach pain, neuropathy and dietary needs. I am thinking about starting acupuncture soon and really hope it is helpful. The list of current symptoms continues to get smaller and for that I am truly grateful.

Yesterday I got to go to Seattle with some friends to attend the season opener for the reigning Super Bowl Champions, SeaHawks! It was such a fun evening (including the win!!!) and I felt so luck to be in attendance. I am really hoping to get to go to more games this season... we will see. I got to see some of my favorite people at the game and got to spend the night at Kristen's. It is moments like this, I feel truly blessed!

Lately I have been talking with more women who are diagnosed with cancer and are going through a similar battle as I did. I am daily reminded how lucky I was to have caught my cancer early and how incredible my doctors and support team was through the entire journey. Often I feel like I am awaking from a bad dream; feeling groggy with the memories of what I endured. Other days it feels like it all just happened and I am ripping open an old wound. What is crazy to me, is once the chemotherapy is complete, the journey back to "normal" is just beginning. And that road is tough. Its riddled with anxiety, stress, fear, doubt and uncertainty. In my case and the majority of survivors I talk to, the road after chemotherapy is more difficulty. Support gradually fades, tasks that took a backseat begin to take priority and the nuances of daily life resume. Where there was "noise" before, soon becomes silence. And that is how this stuff typically goes. And life goes on.

I know I dont write as frequently as I did during chemo, but I will continue to use this space to process the emotions and journal the daily happenings in my life. Its been incredible to go back and read through comments people have left as well as read each post. I am thankful for this space and the liberty to be honest with the good and the difficult. Thank you all for your continued support as the journey continues.